This loader application is there to facilitate file downloading with MONICA. It is currently in beta test stage and is appropriate for advanced users only. You do NOT need to use this application to use MONICA, and It is to be regarded as a BONUS application for users.
MONICA Hotline Loader is a program that allows you to connect to a Hotline server so as to see what files are available for download, and to facilitate loading links to files into the main MONICA queue.
It is NOT a Hotline client. Repeat - It is NOT a Hotline client. It is NOT GOING TO BE a proper Hotline client. You cannot chat, send messages, read and post news etc etc.
Please note that this application is still being developed - it is not perfect!
MONICA Hotline Loader is not a simple program, but I have endeavoured to make it relatively simple to use.
The main screen is loosely divided into two sections. At the top are controls for connecting to Hotline servers, at the bottom controls for connecting to Hotline Trackers.
To connect to a Hotline server, enter the site address in the "Site" field, the port, your nickname, your login and password if required, and your chosen icon number. Then press the "Connect" button. Progress and information are shown in a diagnostic box so that you can see what is going on. Provided the connect and login are successful, you will be shown the main "Files" listing in the listbox at top left. If any files are shown you may select and drag these to the main MONICA application for placement in the queue. If folders are shown, you may double-click on a folder to load that folder's file list.
Folders are added to the popup control at the top left to facilitate re-loading. At this stage the folder lists are not cached.
When you have finished loading files you may disconnect using the "Disconnect" button. You may then, if you wish, enter a site description and add the site to a list of Favourites using the "Add Site" button. To remove a site from your favourites list, display it by choosing it in the popup control at top right, and press the "Delete Site" button. These Favourites are stored in a file and are available whenever the program is run.
Please note that there is NOT much point adding a site with a dynamic IP to the Favourites ( for obvious reasons! ).
This Loader can also load Hotline Tracker listings to facilitate connecting to Hotline Servers.
To load a tracker listing enter the tracker IP address or DNS name in the "Tracker" field and press the "Load Tracker" button. If the Tracker is taking forever to load you may abort the load by pressing the "Abort Load" button.
If all goes well you should be presented with a site listing.
You may also keep a list of favourite Trackers. To add the currently displayed Tracker to the Favourites list, press the "Add Tracker" button. To remove one from the list select it in the Tracker popup control and press the "Del Tracker" button.
This Loader only loads ONE tracker at a time.
To connect to a site listed in the Tracker list, double-click it and its information will be transferred to the Server fields at top right. You can then connect by pressing the "Connect" button.
You may search the Tracker listing by entering a search string in the "Search For" field and pressing "Search". Please note that this will only search from the currently selected server DOWN the list. To search the complete list, highlight/select the first tracker in the list before searching.
Please understand that the Hotline protocol is not publicly documented and seems to change from release to release. There are also some servers running unofficial server software, and some of these servers behave slightly differently to the official Hotline products. I have endeavoured to work around some of the funnies, but to a large extent I am working in the dark ( my ability to read hex quickly has improved though! ). So there will be incompatibilities.
Last updated by DocGen on Thursday, March 15, 2001 at 8:56:53